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Make Your iPhone Safer With This Simple Practice

Make Your iPhone Safer With This Simple Practice

Anne Steele924 20-May-2019

Smartphones are the most used devices these days. Consider, the amount of personal and sensitive data that you have saved with your smartphone and what happens if it falls into the wrong hands! From your bank account information to very personal photos and conversation there are many things to safeguard and the smartphones must be taken seriously from the aspects of security. The iOS platform has some questions with the vulnerabilities even the malware has made its way there. One of the best thing related to iOS, though is iPhone app developer UAE responsiveness to the problems by sending updates to the consumers at the same time. However, still, you need to play your part to make sure the iPhone security. Take necessary actions and take leverage from all the features that iPhone offers so that even if you have lost it or in the case of theft you can still track it. Here is the simplest thing you can do to enhance the security of your iPhone.

Setting a touch ID and Passcode

You will need the home screen security to avoid the prying eyes to access your iPhone. The touch ID is wonderful and great, with potential features that permits you to use fingerprints instead of having to type in the passcode every time. Several apps on the apps store can require the touch ID for security, though it might not be as secure as the strong passcode.

If you are thinking of using the fingerprint for security, you have the passcode as another option. The highly secure passcode can be the alphanumeric that includes the letters as well as the numbers. If you still want the password to be difficult to guess it recommended to use the symbols letters and alphabets as well. 

Updated 06-Feb-2020

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